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About Us

The Royal Order of the Tiger and Hawk is an Order of Chivalry that is awarded to those who seek to help the Ghanaian Kingdom of New Sawereso-Seinuah, which is ruled by the Stool Chief, HRH Nana Agyemang Duah Katakyie III. Our Order was created to help bring in contributions and beneficial assistance to the needs of New Sawereso-Seinuah. 


Statutes of the Order 


Article 1 

Style of the Grantee 

A recipient at the rank of Grand Collar or Grand Cross is entitled to the style of “The Most  Honourable”. A recipient at the rank of Grand Officer is entitled to the style of “The  Esteemed”. A recipient at the rank of Knight Commander or Dame Commander is entitled  to the style of “The Much Honoured”. A recipient at the rank of Knight or Dame rank is  entitled to the style of “The Honourable”. A recipient at the rank of Companion is not  entitled to a style. 

If a recipient belongs to multiple Orders of the Royal House of New Sawereso-Seinuah, the  recipient will use the style of the highest grade that he/she has attained within the highest ranked Order of New Sawereso-Seinuah. For example, if a grantee is both a Grand Cross  rank in Order of the Tiger and Hawk and a Knight rank in Order of the Majestic Sun, the  appropriate style is “The Most Honourable”. 


Article 2 

Title and Address 

The title and honour of Knight is granted to all male members of the Order regardless of  rank. Similarly, the title and honour of Dame is granted to all female members of the Order  regardless of rank. The post-nominal for Grand Collar recipients of the Order is “GCoTH”.  This stands for [G]rand [Co]llar of the [T]iger and [H]awk of New Sawereso-Seinuah. The  post-nominal for Grand Cross recipients of the Order is “GCTH”. This stands for [G]rand  [C]ross of the [T]iger and [H]awk of New Sawereso-Seinuah. The post-nominal for a Grand  Officer recipient of the Order is “GOTH”. This stands for [G]rand [O]fficer of the [T]iger  and [H]awk of New Sawereso-Seinuah. The post-nominal for male Commander recipients of  the Order is “KCTH”. This stands for [K]night [C]ommander of the [T]iger and [H]awk of New Sawereso-Seinuah. The post-nominal for female Commander recipients of the Order is  “DCTH”. This stands for [D]ame [C]ommander of the [T]iger and [H]awk of New Sawereso Seinuah. The post-nominal for male Knight recipients of the Order is “KTH”. This stands  for [K]night of the [T]iger and [H]awk of New Sawereso-Seinuah. The post-nominal for  female Dame recipients is “DTH”. This stands for [D]ame of the [T]iger and [H]awk of New  Sawereso-Seinuah. The post-nominal for a Companion recipient of the Order is “CTH”. This  stands for [C]ompanion of the [T]iger and [H]awk of New Sawereso-Seinuah. 

Therefore, the full name, title, and style of a male holder of the Grand Collar rank is “The  Most Honourable Knight First Name Middle Name Second Middle Name [if any] Surname,  GCoTH”.

The the full name, title, and style of a male holder of the Grand Cross rank is “The Most  Honourable Knight First Name Middle Name Second Middle Name [if any] Surname,  GCTH”. 


The full name, title, and style of a male holder of the Grand Officer rank is “The Esteemed  Knight First Name Middle Name Second Middle Name [if any] Surname, GOTH”. 


The full name, title, and style of a male holder of the Knight Commander rank is “The Much  Honoured Knight First Name Middle Name Second Middle Name [if any] Surname, KCTH”. 


The full name, title, and style of a male holder of the Knight rank is “The Honourable Knight  First Name Middle Name Second Middle Name [if any] Surname, KTH”. 


The full name, title, and style of a male holder of the Companion rank is “First Name Middle  Name Second Middle Name [if any] Surname, CTH”. 


Similarly, the full name, title, and style of a female holder of the Grand Collar rank is “The  Most Honourable Dame First Name Middle Name Second Middle Name [if any] Surname,  GCoTH”. 


The full name, title, and style of a female holder of the Grand Cross rank is “The Most  Honourable Dame First Name Middle Name Second Middle Name [if any] Surname,  GCTH”. 


The full name, title, and style of a female holder of the Grand Officer rank is “The Esteemed  Dame First Name Middle Name Second Middle Name [if any] Surname, GOTH”. 


The full name, title, and style of a female holder of the Dame Commander rank is “The Much  Honoured Dame First Name Middle Name Second Middle Name [if any] Surname, DCTH”. 


The full name, title, and style of a female holder of the Dame rank is “The Honourable Dame  First Name Middle Name Second Middle Name [if any] Surname, DTH”. 


The full name, title, and style of a female holder of the Companion rank is “First Name  Middle Name Second Middle Name [if any] Surname, CTH”. 


If the Letters Patent for a particular recipient contains a different style, title, and address  than the above, the Letters Patent will triumph only for that particular recipient. 


Article 3 

Regalia of Order 

Recipients at the rank of Grand Collar are entitled to a collar of gold (Or) chain linking  alternating gold (Or) Hawks rising wings elevated and addorsed supporting and gold (Or)  Tigers rampant. The collar holds the insignia of the Order, which is a gold (Or) cartouche. 


In the center of the insignia is a green (Vert) enamel cartouche charged with a gold (Or) tiger  rampant with the body facing left (Dexter heraldically). The cartouche is edged with two  bands of gold (Or). The insignia is surmounted by a gold (Or) Chieftain Crown of New  Sawereso-Seinuah. While the Grand Collar recipient is also entitled to the sash of the Grand  Cross, the breast star of the Grand Officer, neck riband of the Commander, and the full-size  medal and miniature of the Knight or Dame, only the Grand Collar and the miniature are  worn simultaneously. Grand Collar recipients may wear other regalia as appropriate, but  the collar is not to be worn with anything else except for the miniature. 


Recipients at the rank of Grand Cross are entitled to a sash of the Order. The sash of the  Order is green (Vert). The sash is approximately 100 millimeters wide for males, while  females have an option of the approximately 100 millimeters-wide sash or else an  approximately 50 millimeters-wide version. The sash is worn over the recipient’s right  shoulder and it rests on the left hip. The sash has an insignia. The insignia is approximately  65 millimeters wide from left to right, and it is a gold (Or) cartouche. In the center of the  insignia is a green (Vert) enamel cartouche charged with a gold (Or) tiger rampant with the  body facing left (Dexter heraldically). The cartouche is edged with two bands of gold (Or).  The insignia is surmounted by a gold (Or) Chieftain Crown of New Sawereso-Seinuah, the  Crown supported by Hawks Or rising wings elevated and addorsed. The Grand Cross  recipient also is entitled to the breast star of the Grand Officer, neck riband of the  Commander, and full-size medal miniature of the Knight or Dame. However, only the breast  star, sash, and miniature of the Order should be worn simultaneously. 


Recipients at the rank of Grand Officer are entitled to a breast star approximately 85  millimeters wide that consists of eight blue (Azure) double rays edged in gold (Or). In the  center of the star is a green (Vert) enamel cartouche charged with a gold (Or) tiger rampant  with the body facing left (Dexter heraldically). The cartouche is edged with two bands of gold  (Or). The insignia is surmounted by a gold (Or) Chieftain Crown of New Sawereso-Seinuah. The Grand Officer also is entitled to full-size medal and the miniature of the Knight or Dame  and the neck riband of the Commander. 

Recipients at the rank of Knight Commander or Dame Commander are entitled to a neck  riband of the Order. The neck riband for the Commander is approximately 50 millimeters  wide and is green (Vert). Suspended from the riband is the insignia of the Order. The insignia  is approximately 65 millimeters wide from left to right, and it is a gold (Or) cartouche. In the  center of the insignia is a green (Vert) enamel cartouche charged with a gold (Or) tiger  rampant with the body facing left (Dexter heraldically). The cartouche is edged with two  bands of gold (Or). The insignia is surmounted by a gold (Or) Chieftain Crown of New  Sawereso-Seinuah, the Crown supported by Hawks Or rising wings elevated and addorsed. The Commander also is entitled to the full-size medal and the miniature of the Knight or  Dame. 


Recipients at the rank of Knight or Dame are entitled to a medal. The ribbon is  approximately 25 millimeters wide from left to right, and it is green (Vert). Suspended from  the ribbon is an insignia. The insignia is a gold cartouche. In the center of the insignia is a  green (Vert) enamel cartouche charged with a gold (Or) tiger rampant with the body facing  left (Dexter heraldically). The cartouche is edged with two bands of gold (Or). The insignia is surmounted by a gold (Or) Chieftain Crown of New Sawereso-Seinuah. Recipients at the  rank of Knight or Dame are also entitled to a miniature that resembles the medal. The  miniature ribbon is approximately 15 millimeters wide from left to right, and it is green (Vert). Suspended from the ribbon is an insignia. The insignia is a gold (Or) cartouche. In  the center of the insignia is a green (Vert) enamel cartouche charged with a gold (Or) tiger rampant with the body facing left (Dexter heraldically). The cartouche is edged with two  bands of gold (Or). The insignia is surmounted by a gold (Or) Chieftain Crown of New  Sawereso-Seinuah. 

Recipients at the rank of Member do not have regalia. 


Article 4 

Courtesy Spousal Title and Courtesy Titles for Children 

There is no courtesy title for the lawful spouse or children of grantees within the Order.  

Article 5 

Renunciation of Title or Loss of Status 

The title and honour may be renounced by a grantee of the Order at any time and for any  cause. The renunciation must be in writing and witnessed by two individuals not related to  the grantee. Both witnesses should sign and date the renunciation along with the renouncing  grantee, and the document should be delivered to the current Head of the Royal House of  New Sawereso-Seinuah. Upon the signature of the grantee on the renunciation, the title and  honour will end. 

Similarly, the Grandmaster may revoke a title and honour of New Sawereso-Seinuah for  cause. While such revocation is expected to be rare, all grantees represent the Royal House  of New Sawereso-Seinuah. Examples of behavior considered for revocation are material  misrepresentations in a grantee’s application, convictions of felony crimes in a competent  court of law, or bringing dishonor upon the Royal House. Revocations by the Grandmaster  will be recorded in public records. 


Article 6 

Records of the Order

The grantees of the Order will be publicly recorded in books that will be produced  periodically. While grants are effective upon the signature of the Grandmaster, the public  books serve a gazetting function. 


Article 7 

Armorial Achievement of the Order 

The Order will have the following heraldry: 

Coat of Arms: Vert, charged with an Or Tiger rampant and Or Eagle rising, wings addorsed  and inverted. 

Supporters: Bengal Tigers rampant 

Crest: Upon a torse Vert and Or, the king’s hat proper, called a KrÉ”bÉ”n KyÉ›. Motto: Harnessing the Tiger in Service to the People 


Article 8 

Armorial Achievement for Grantees 

Heraldry came to Ghana through the British Empire, and it remains part of Ghana today,  demonstrated by the country’s official coat of arms. Heraldry in New Sawereso-Seinuah  consists of a coat of arms, torse, crest, motto, and sometimes the armorial achievement may  have supporters. To reflect this tradition, the ranks of the Order are permitted the following  heraldic privileges: 


Grand Collar: A Grand Collar rank grantee may display the collar of the Order surrounding  his/her armorial achievement, in front of or behind the mantling as the recipient so chooses  if the recipient uses mantling.


Grand Cross: An abaa (plural mmaa) is the Akan name for a cane carried a chief or chieftain.  It is a symbol of authority and respect. A Grand Cross rank grantee may display two crossed  mmaas behind his or her coat of arms, torse, crest, supporters, and motto. The grantee may  also have supporters. 


Grand Officer: A Grand Officer rank grantee may have supporters. 


Knight Commander or Dame Commander: A Commander rank grantee may display the  coat of arms of the Order as an inescutcheon within his or her own coat of arms. 

Knight or Dame: A Knight or Dame rank grantee may drape the insignia of the Order from  his or her coat of arms in his or her own heraldry.


Companion: A Member rank grantee may drape the insignia of the Order from his or her  own motto but is not authorised to drape it from his or her coat of arms.





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